How do I configure Apple Health?

RepCount for iOS can sync bodyweight measurements and post workouts to Apple Health. 

Settings this up is easy. You will automatically get asked if you want to enable Apple Health, just press yes when asked, select if you are using lbs or kgs and then press allow when the apple permission dialog appears :) 

I declined but want sync now. How can I trigger the Health dialog to appear?

If you declined for some reason, you can enable Apple Health by going to the profile tab, tap the settings icon in the top right corner" and then "Sync With Apple Health". This should bring up the permission dialog so you can allow RepCount to sync with Health. 


RepCount is not publishing workouts or bodyweight measurements to Apple

If you are still not getting data to sync after this, then it is probably that permission has been denied in the apple health app. To fix this do the following:

  1. Open the health app, 
  2. Press sources
  3. Press RepCount
  4. Enable all options you want RepCount to sync.

Bodyweight readings from other apps are not getting pulled into RepCount

This usually mean that permission has been denied to access Apple Health, either for RepCount or the source app. 

First make sure that RepCount can read data

  1. Open the health app, 
  2. Press sources
  3. Press RepCount
  4. Enable all options you want RepCount to sync

Now make sure that the source app is publishing bodyweights by repeating step 1-4 for your source app (MyFitnessPal, Lifesum etc...)

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