What does the lines in the charts mean?
When you have logged enough data for your exercises, you will notice that RepCount contains two lines, one thin line that can have a lot of variations and one thicker line that is a little more stable. Don't know what these mean? Don't worry, I'll explain.
1: Actual data (The thin line)
The thin line represents the actual datapoints. In the chart below if you lifted 20 000 kg in total volume, the line would include the value 20 000. This is great to be able to go back to check you results for individual workouts and how those vary over time. When you have a lot of data, this line tends to get noisy, making it hard to spot trends. Which brings us to the second line type
2: Trend data (The thick line)
The moving average contains data from more than one point, which smoothes out the curve and makes it easier to spot trends. If you look at the chart below it is for example easy to see that the workout volume went up between 2017 and 2018, and this would have been a bit harder to spot if the chart had not contained the moving average. The trend data is not so useful when you have few datapoints, but when you have data spanning over months and years, the trendlines are super useful to be able to analyze your workouts.
If you have any questions or feedback about the charts. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at feedback@repcountapp.com