What is included in RepCount Premium?

Keep track of your progression with RepCount Premium!

Here is what you get

High-performance Charts

RepCount Premium contains a wide variety of charts that can be used to monitor your progress. Here are a few of them:

  • Estimated 1RM
  • Heaviest weight used
  • Volume
  • Number of sessions
  • Number of reps
  • ... and a lot more!

Each chart can be grouped per session/week/month/year. To make sure that you can follow your progress even when there is a lot of data in there, RepCount calculates a moving area so you can easily see trends and know where you are heading.

The RepCount charts are based on a high-performing chart framework normally only used by financial and medical applications. This ensures that viewing your progress will be a smooth experience regardless if you have logged 5 workouts or 5000.

Supersets and drop sets:

 With RepCount premium you get access to the very popular superset feature in RepCount allowing you to save time in the gym. The RepCount superset feature differs from most other workout apps in that it groups exercises more naturally.  

RepCount supersets are a bit different than many competitors. Supersets is not just a label, RepCount keeps groups them together, just like you would do when using pen and paper, so you don't have to scroll up and down between exercises when entering a superset. The RepCount Supersets are also super flexible and allow you to quickly replace individual exercises, create giant sets or quickly duplicate weight and reps for all exercises in a superset by swiping right to copy. 

Personal Record Management:

RepCount keeps track of all your personal records. Not only your one-rep maxes but also rep-records for all rep ranges as well as other PRs like the most reps lifted in a session or max volume. 

All PR:s can be divided per year with the Seasonal best feature. In addition to rep records, the PR view also contains other compound records like max number of reps in a session,  max num sets in a session, and much more. 

Exercise history:

Are you tired of going back and forward between workouts to see the history of a particular exercise? With the Exercise history view, you get a quick overview of your workouts just a single click away from your workout. You will also get quick access to important metrics for each exercise such as volume and 1rm charts.

CSV Export:

Want to dig deep into your workout data and provide insights that are not yet available in the app? The CSV export gives you your workout data exported in a nice CSV format so you can analyze your workout in a spreadsheet.

Support app development:

This isn't a feature, but while RepCount does have a generous free tier, it is a fact that it isn't free to develop apps. The more people on RepCount Premium, the more time I can spend on developing the app rather than flipping cheeseburgers ;)

Missing a feature or have questions?

If you have any more questions about what is included or feedback on what should be included, feel free to reach out at feedback@repcountapp.com. You will usually get a response within 24 hours. 

//Simon from RepCount

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